H E L L O, this is me, reporting late again, I know :/
I'm busy being a good wife, good momma, good employee, it's not easy ya know :P
One of the long weekends in July was spent accompanying the love to a soccer match.
Told chaaa I am busy being a good wife :P HAHAHA.
Good food that completes our date nights ♥
Canopy Garden Dining // Mado Dessert // Demand and Supply
Most of my weekends in July were spent on the bed, falling sick sighhhh D:
Which explains why this blog post is shoo short cause I have nothing interesting to blog :P
I'll be back soon with my vacation post, stay tuned! ♥
U P C O M I N G G G ✈
Winter holidays with the love.
♥ ♥ ♥