
Sunday, July 17, 2016

Keep Calm I'm Getting Old

Sunday 17th July 2016..

Keep Calm I'm Getting Old  

Birthday was over like 123456789 days ago and here I am, back with my bday update :P
#lateasusual #nothingnew #doistillhaveanyreaders
Lemme start off with an act-cute pic to remind myself I don't look that old yet HAHAHA. #selfcomfort
Bu yao ren lao ke yi ma? HAHAHAHA!

Spent my bday morning looking for our boy's childcare centres. #thingsparentsdo #signofagingoops
Then birthday brunch with Hubbae at La Ristrettos, where I received my 'surprise' teehee! 

Reward for being an 'amazing' wifey HAHAHA. Thank you love 

credit : google.

That night saw us celebrating my birthday x our anniversary @ Shangri-la Hotel

pic credit : google.
When pics of food bloggers vs mine (the dessert shot) HAHAHA. #sibeifail #facepalm

Happy 3rd Anniversary to us, love
thank you for tolerating my temper, my nonsensical shit and my stupidity. (altho you have a lot to thank me as well :P)
Here's to many more years to come! Lets grow old togetha ♥  

Ending the post with another act-cute pic, I hope I won't make anyone feel sick :P 

W A R N I N G : I'll be back with MOREEEE HAHAHAHA.
Ok bye x.

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